Sunday, March 13, 2011


So Im home alone with my house all decorated waiting for the guest to arrive, now I have some time to blog. Thank GOD! Now I feel like I should write about my day but i'm not. I need more time to work it out LOL. So for your entertainment i am proud to present: Things that make me Vicky!

 1. I love to smell towels.

Now you might think "well this is not so bad , must be clean towels". NO! I enjoy smelling wet, used towels. It's disgusting I know but I must do it daily. I go lock myself in the bathroom for about 30 minutes and just sniff til my nose hurts. Ive cut back alot but I still tend to do it 75% of the time.

 2. Teeth

 I'm infatuated with teeth. Maybe it's because I worked in a dental office and went to dental school, whatever it is i am certainly overly fascinated with teeth. I'll analyze teeth while someone is talking or smiling at me. I try to figure out what work they have had done or what work they need. If given the opportunity to look into someones mouth I will!

3. Uneducated educated folk annoy me (im sure they annoy you too)

  LOL!!!! What I mean by this is people who brag about their education/degrees and yet still dont know how to differentiate THEIR, THEY'RE, and THERE! Also when they correct someone with a wrong answer and defend it because they graduated college. Its really irritating when I am in the presence of these type of people, If you dont know something then you dont know!!! Ugh im getting annoyed just typing this lol... Next!

4. Commercials

  Mute! Yes I have to mute all commercials. How many times in a day do I have to get reminded that paper towels pick up spills lol. Thank goodness I dont watch too much of the tube but when i do I get 5 minutes of the show and 10 minutes of commercial WTF!!!! My old lady gets mad when I hit mute because he enjoys them, idiot, lol. If only I could find a mute button for him.

5. Pulse checks

 Ive been doing this for about 6 years now, im thinking its a little ocd on my part. Every morning I check my pulse to see if im alive, as if actually waking up cant confirm it. It continues throughout the day without me noticing, the only way I know im doing it is because somebody will call me out on it. It has gotten better in the past 2 years but I really just want it to go away...therapy time? LOL

6. Sailor mouth

  I wish it wasn't so. The only time I dont say nasty, dirty, vulgar words is when my son is around. My mother always finds it shocking that a "lady" can speak that way. I dont know why i like to use such profanity, i was raised in a GOD fearing home. Ive only heard my mom say "hell" and she felt so disappointed in herself LOL. Cunt, Twat, Pussy, Dick face, and Fuck off are my favorites LOL. Im going to be a mean old "lady" :p

Well I guess thats it for now. I dont want to scare you all off. Im sure a part 2 will be here soon :) Hope you enjoyed!