Monday, May 19, 2014

Montagne Jeunesse Manuka Honey Peel Off

**** I received this product free for testing purposes from Influenster ****

Let me start off by saying that I love that this company is animal cruelty free!

I'm not much of a face mask person but thought I'd try it out. It wasn't as sticky as I thought it would be as its a honey peel so I was for sure thinking I was going to have a bad experience but to my surprise it was very smooth.  It smelled just like honey too. The steps to applying are simple; clean your face, apply mask, relax 15-20 minutes and peel. At first I thought I did it wrong, even with these simple instruction, as it did not feel like anything was hardening  and there wasn't much color on my face it had more of a transparent look to it. My thoughts... "great, only I would mess up something so simple." I waited 20 minutes and rubbed a little on the side and slowly peeled. It worked!
My face felt soooo smooth and it even cleaned my pores. The only problem I had was that I got some on my eyebrows and when I peeled it pulled hair and hurt a little but that's about it... other than that I had no problems with this product. I cant wait to try all the other peels this company has to offer

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